Sunday, October 18, 2009

Funny Things

One of the funniest parts about our trip has been the public transportation in each place. Most European places have great public transportation! But there are some places, even though brilliant, that are just plain ridiculous because of the amount of people that you find using public transportation. Mainly in places like England, France, Spain, and Italy. Endless people everywhere, pilling ontop of each other to try and get where they are going. Sheri and I cannot help but laugh when we try to get on things with the locals, this all ready giving us away as 'tourists' because we are the only ones smiling and laughing. This public transportation is serious business, every man or woman for themselves! There is no being friendly or polite, "everyone try to squeeze your fat butts simultaneously through the door." (Brian Regan) I mean I don't know how to be serious when there is someone I have never met and their face is inches away from mine. Not only that but I can't be serious when I watch as everyone is falling over onto each other as the people operating the transportation stop unexpectadly or take sharp turns. How can you be serious, especially when you are apart of that madness?
Rome was probably the worst place for all of this. Not only were the metros full of people but even the buses had people crammed inside of them. There was a point when we had just gone to the market and were trying to find a place to sit and eat. As we were walking down the street we saw buses crammed with people in every available open space and they were stopping to pick up more people. We couldn't believe it and were so thankful we weren't trying to get on that bus. Eventually we had to go through this mess as we were going to the colosseum. The metro had all ready been packed, Sheri and I were standing and holding onto bars provided with people all around us. Here we are in the center of all this and as we stop to pick up more people poor Sheri yells out "We can't get anymore people on this thing!" I always know that when Sheri's patience is up something must be pretty ridiculous, luckily that was our last stop and then we could get off. I will put some pictures up that I took in my attempt to share just how crazy all this was. Two things one should know when traveling by public transportation, get ready for a lot of people and learn to breath through your mouth cause there is some pretty horrific body odor.

I don't think these pictures do justice to how crazy it was but it will give you some idea. This one is the bus, you can see people pushed up against the door. I'm not sure how they got out safely.
The metro, it's all marked up with graffiti, can't see very well the people inside but it is like the bus.

This is one where we were attempting to get on and decided to wait for the next one to roll around. You can see people getting on and people getting off. It doesn't do it justice because these tunnels were long and my camera can only pick up so much.