Friday, September 4, 2009

First Stop...Cork Ireland Part Sheri

The flight felt long and unending with my legs and butt going numb and only being able to sleep for one hour despite it being a nine hour flight. So getting through customs was interesting and so was figuring out Heathrow London airport. I felt silly going up and down every escalator known to man and then wandering through different places until we finally found where we were supposed to be. All in all, it was definitely a learning experience. One that I hope goes smoother on the way back home. I really am enjoying Cork and all it's people. They are very kind and helpful despite my being a bit foolish about everything. I want to put one of them in my pocket and bring them home with me just so I could here them speak with their accent any time I wanted to. :)
The highlight was definitely Blarney Castle today which was amazing. It was a lot higher up than I had expected and the wind was really blowing hard. I did fine all the way up those narrow and seriously steep stairs, but as soon as I got out to the stone I did not want to do it. I even asked the guy if I could skip this part, but he wouldn't let me. He kept trying to persuade me to just lay back and all will be fine. I argued for a little bit, but he was the sweetest guy and was very patient with me. In the end, he really wasn't going to let me get out of it and I ended up actually leaning back and kissing the stone despite the long drop! Thanks Blarney Stone Guy! :) We also met some fun people along the way and a couple people from Israel. I don't feel all that short here and I have actually seen more bearded women than I ever care to, but I absolutely have enjoyed being here. Until next time, yeah?!

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