Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Sorry it's been a while since either one of us has last blogged, the days have been going quite fast. The trip to Scotland has been quite interesting so far. For starters, if you ever find yourself on a train from Holyhead to Glasgow, make sure you read all the instructions on how to lock the bathroom door. It's quite humiliating to get caught with your pants down. And if ever in Glasgow, never stay at the Lomond Hotel. First thoughts were, sketchy. First words out of my mouth were, "Are we at a brothel?" Anyway's, we are surviving quite well and everything has been quite a learning experience. I know that I am learning so much about myself.
The ferry ride from Dublin, Ireland to Holyhead, Scotland was so fun! The ship was huge and it was amazing to stand out on the deck and look to the horizon. Although, the port water was disgusting and looked more like a rootbeer float than actual water.
The weather started out really cold, but warmed up for our stay in Glasgow. It has taken quite an adjustement from Ireland to Scotland with the people not being as open or friendly. Today we took things easy and enjoyed a picnic in the park at Kelvinton, then a tea at Costa's Coffee. I will post some picture of Dublin, but there aren't very many of Scotland yet. Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to take a walk out in the country or even a hike through the beautiful Scotland terrain.
With much love,


  1. Keep Posting You Two. We want to follow along on the trip. Don't drink that rootbeer float water and stay out of brothels. God bless you girls and come home soon.

  2. Wow, being caught with your pants that's an experience you won't soon forget!! Keep posting...sounds like you are having lots of fun!! Miss you....will keep praying that you remain safe!!

  3. Sounds like you guys are having quite the adventure! You're going to have so many stories to tell! I love you guys and I'm so glad you're having such a good time and that it's going well. Sheri, how are those signatures coming? Any yet? Just curious! Great big hugs!!
