Sunday, September 13, 2009

Something Small

Well this is definitely a first, as we are sitting on a train heading to London. I had no idea that you could have wifi on a train, but needles to say it is pretty exciting as this is a 5 hour train ride. We've really enjoyed our time in Ireland and Scotland as they both have so much great history, so much battle for independence. There is something about being here and walking where people have walked that makes it become more alive.

It's fun traveling with someone who is like you in many ways. One way that Sheri and I have struggled is feeling overwhelmed as we get into new cities, as it is loud and there are so many people. By nature we are just two introverted people, who occassionally like to be amoungst the poeple. What is great about this is that we don't mind sacrificing the major touristy spots to just go for an adventure. Not looking at a map but just walking in a general direction of where something should be and hoping that we come across it. Yesterday, Saturday 12th, we set out to find the coast and after about two hours of walking in the general direction we found a great spot. We just walked and sat and took off our shoes to enjoy the water and sand beneath our feet. What a joy it is to just be silent and enjoy all that our Father has created. The beauty of the land seems unreal at times.......breathtaking! This has been my favorite part about this trip so far, all the little things.

I've been reading a book called "Crazy Love" and have been going through the book of Matthew at the same time. I've really enjoyed what I've been reading so far as it challenges me on what a 'Christian' life should look like. I've thought a lot about what the term radical means in terms of the life of one who claims to follow Christ. It seems that the term 'radical' is seen in a negative light, even in the eyes of most Churches today. I know that when I used to think of what a radical was the first thought was those people who stand with signs on the street corner persecuting people as they come by. I have been struggling through it, wanting so much for my life to reflect that of a radical, but not like the people that I spoke of above. I don't see the love of Christ anywhere near those people, but I want to live as one of the radicals I find throughout scripture. There is a passage in Matthew 10 that I was reading a few nights ago as we were in our shaddy hotel room in Glasgow. There it talks about when Jesus was sending out the twelve, telling them to go to the lost sheep of Israel but as they go about Jesus tells them not to take anything with them. No gold or silver or copper, having no bag with an extra tunic or sandals or staff. I was challenged by Jesus's words, as this would be so hard, it rips me apart just thinking about it as I'm not sure if this is something that I could do. The faith involved to obey and go as He tells them to is amazing. Can you imagine how RADICAL that would look today? I believe there are probably people doing just this and man I pray that God would have grace and patience with me. That He would teach me what it means to truly love Him wholeheartedly. That one day I can honestly say to Him, "nope Lord there is nothing in my life that is before you."

Well, sorry I don't claim to be a writer but I wanted to let you all know a little bit more of what is going on as we travel. That our hope is to allow God to move us in this journey, not just for the sake of seeing cool things. Love you all, thanks for following as we love your support. Many blessings friends!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing sis! I love you and I love your posts! What does it take to be a writer but that you write?!? I am praying for you guys and so wishing that I could be experiencing it all with you! Make incredible memories!
