Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sheri Post - England

So I think the last place we left off was at Scotland which was a great place with some astounding landscapes straight from a storybook. Next is London, England. There is so much history that my mind almost explodes with buildings, facts, architecture, life, and people! We got to see some amazing things like Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, London Bridge, Tate Modern (art museum), British Library which has original writings from Jane Austen, Leonardo DaVinci, Mozart, Beethoven, Shakespeare, original Scripture from 6th and 7th century, and so much more. I don't think that there is space enough to write about everything! There was so much before me that I didn't know what to do with myself. But one thing we did try to do( take pictures) is apparently the very wrong thing to do. But every time the security guard came around to tell us that we weren't aloud to take pictures they were quite nice about it. I think there was only like two or three places we got caught for it. :)
Not only did we spend time in central London but we got to escape to Cambridge where a friend of ours took us on a grand tour. She was an amazing guide who took us to each building and told us the scoop on everything. It was hard to retain everything, but me and Amber did our best to sponge in all the information. It is a really funny place with many different myths, legends, and ghost stories. That day we also did punting which was probably the coolest part of the day. You sit in a wooden boat and someone stands on the back and directs the boat through the water with a stick. It actually is quite a lot like gondolas. To finish the day there, we filled our bellies with pub food, a drink, and a great chat.
On another day we took a train to Bath which is a great little town where natural spring water abounds. Royalty and all who could afford it would come and take baths there due to the myth about it having magical powers. We wandered around town with a friend of mine who lives close by and she acted as bit of a tour guide for the day as well. Needless to say it was a great week spent in England.
I would like to take time to thank all those who hosted us, gave tours, and befriended us while we were there. So a great big thanks to Ann, John, Diane, and Charity. You were a huge blessing to us!

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